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Financial Compensation For Injured Maritime & Offshore Alaska Workers

If you’ve been injured while working in Alaska’s maritime industries, you may have several questions:

  • Will I still be paid my wages while I’m out of work?
  • Can I get financial assistance for medical expenses?
  • What are my options for financial compensation?
  • Can I sue my employer if my injury was preventable?
  • Am I going to need a lawyer?

Alaska Maritime Workers' Compensation

We can help answer your Alaska maritime work injury concerns in a free consultation. Contact our Jones Act lawyers in Alaska today to get started. 

They helped me plan for my recovery after I got hurt at work.
- Julie Burton

With more coastlines than all other states combined, Alaska’s geography makes it a prime location for a variety of maritime industries. In many areas, maritime industries provide the vast majority of jobs in the region, either directly or indirectly. Fishers, crabbers, ship crew members, dock and harbor workers, and many others work in and around the water each day to help these industries grow and provide a living for their families.

Maritime Worker Injury Claims

With a state economy so dependent on maritime work, it’s important that employees in this industry are protected in the event of a work-related maritime or offshore injury. Depending on your specific job duties, as a maritime worker, you’ll be covered under either the Jones Act or the Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act (LHWCA).

Our Alaska Jones Act lawyers have years of experience and can help answer any questions you may have. Contact us today. 

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The Top Five Seaports In Alaska

Main Ports & Harbors In Alaska

Alaska has more ports and harbors than any other state in the country, with a total of 58. Some of the most popular, high-traffic ports include:

  • Port of Anchorage – Most employees in Anchorage are directly (such as sailors, dock workers, etc.) or indirectly (warehouse workers, truckers, etc.) involved with the Port of Anchorage. This port serves most of the state, and is designated as a National Strategic Port by the Department of Defense because of it’s close location to Russia and Asia.
  • Port of Dutch Harbor – This port contains five city-owned port facilities, which are used for passenger vessels, cargo ships, warehousing and storage, and other maritime industry activities. The Port of Dutch Harbor is run by the Department of Ports and Harbors.
  • Port of Juneau – Located in Alaska’s capital city, the Port of Juneau contains two commercial loading facilities, two cruise ship docks, two boat yards, several small boat floats and harbors, launch ramps,  and numerous tidelands and waterfront properties.
  • Port of Ketchikan – While cargo ships do pass through this port, the Port of Ketchikan primarily deals with cruise ships, tour boats, and recreational water vessels. The port is composed of six boat harbors, three launch ramps, and three fuel docks.
  • Port of Valdez – As the northern-most ice-free port in the United States, the Port of Valdez acts as an important route for cargo traveling into the interior of Alaska, the Pacific Northwest states, northwestern Canada, and international trade routes on the Pacific rim. Owned and operated by the City of Valde Ports Department, these facilities consist of a container terminal, grain terminal, city dock, and an airport terminal building.
boats in port of kodiak

Who Can Apply For Maritime Workers' Compensation In Alaska?

Our maritime lawyers have experience representing workers throughout all types of maritime industries in Alaska, including:

  • Offshore oil platform and rig workers
  • Longshore workers
  • Dock and harbor workers
  • Shipping vessel crew members
  • Cruise ship crew members
  • Commercial fishers and crabbers
  • Ship maintenance and repair staff
  • Offshore construction workers

If you’re unsure whether you’re covered under the Jones Act or the Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act, it may be helpful to discuss your work duties with one of our experienced maritime lawyers. The right lawyer can help you decide which claim to file and guide you through each step of the claims process.

Which Types Of Maritime Accidents & Injuries Qualify?

Many maritime workers don’t realize how complex maritime law is until they get injured on the job. These industries are governed by different rules than most land-based industries, and determining which form of compensation you qualify for can be complicated.

There are many types of maritime injuries that can qualify the victim for workers' compensation. Generally, if any medical bills were incurred, these should be covered. Other expenses should be covered as well, including when a maritime accident results in death.

Additionally, it’s common for maritime workers to think their employer and insurance company will look out for them, only to face resistance once they try to obtain the compensation they need and deserve. These employers are often powerful companies themselves, and the insurance companies that represent them often have skilled teams of maritime lawyers on their payroll.

In order to make sense of the complexities of maritime law and negotiate with tough insurance companies, it’s often necessary to have an experienced maritime lawyer on your side. A knowledgeable lawyer can help you gather everything you need for a successful claim or lawsuit, represent you in court, and negotiate with the insurance companies on your behalf.

To learn more about your options, contact one of our experienced Alaska maritime injury lawyers today for a free consultation.

Also Visit: Your Rights After A Rigging Work Accident

About the Author
About Paul
Editor: Paul is a staff editor who focuses on bringing you the most important legal news regarding cases of sexual assault, drunk driving, and preventable violence. Contact Paul: This article was fact checked prior to publishing by this author to ensure compliance with our rigorous editorial standards. We will only use authoritative sources. Our values compel us to provide only trustworthy information. If you find an error, please contact us.
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