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Legal Analysis By Attorneys
Breaking Legal News

Our Editorial Standards

Our goal is to provide our audience news and professional legal analysis by lawyers who actually practice in that specific field of the law, day in and day out.

Our editors are tasked with covering accidents, product recalls, settlements and verdicts, public safety announcements, catastrophic incidents, filed complaints, and key rulings from appellate courts all around the country.

Each article is researched and written to the highest quality standards. However, we acknowledge that sometimes information that we rely upon may be incorrect. If you find such information, we urge you to contact the editor of the story via the form in the sidebar to report the issue. Our team of fact checkers will get to work in ensuring the information we publish is 100% accurate and we will update our articles accordingly.

Professional Journalism & Ethics has adopted the Code of Ethics of the Society of Professional Journalists. To read the full code of ethics, click here. Specifically, we promise to:

  1. Seek the truth and report it
  2. Balance the public's need for information with the privacy of those mentioned in the story
  3. Act independently so that our stories are never skewed to one side or the other
  4. Be accountable and transparent
  5. Vet our sources rigorously to minimize any errors in reporting

Our Story Development & Publishing Process

Articles on can be written by our editors or by some of our legal contributors, or may even be a collaborative effort between our in-house staff and external attorneys. No matter who writes the article, all articles will undergo the following vetting and due diligence to ensure we maintain the quality standards we strive to achieve.

  • A topic that is deemed of interest to our readers and consistent with our mission is chosen
  • Existing stories around this topic and similar incidents in that area are fully researched
  • Writers will produce a draft of the article and submit it to our fact-checking team for review
  • Fact-checkers will produce a report with recommendations for the article to meet our standards and submit article to chief editor for final edits
  • Chief editor will review each article and incorporate recommendations of fact-checking team to produce a 99% version of article
  • Chief editor will have a copy editor perform one final review for spelling, grammar, syntax, and ease of comprehension
  • Our technical team will publish the article live on

Who Are Our Sources?

In order to stay consistent with our mission and ethics, we promote 100% transparency. When we make a statement in our articles, a clear source will be referenced and attributed accordingly. Some of the many sources we use are:

  • Local News Outlets - we often try to provide more localized content for our readers based on the demographics of our audience. Local on the ground journalists cover these stories in depth and we often reach out to them for information on their story, and use their story to help in constructing our article.
  • Institutional Agencies - several of our health and safety announcements will come from governmental institutions and agencies such as the Food and Drug Administration, the Consumer Product Safety Commission, Centers for Disease Control, public health departments, National Highway Traffic Safety Authority etc...
  • Several statistics that we cite generally come from Census Data, and non-profit organizations that are national reputable organizations
  • Hospitals and industry journals are often cited for medical reports, safety data and changes in the law and standard of care.

Guest Posts, Syndication & Third Party Content does not accept guest posts, "sponsored content" or articles from third parties. We also do not syndicate content that has been published elsewhere. Do not waste your time.

We only accept content from individuals and law firms that have gone through the above vetting process.

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Legal Herald
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Orlando, FL 32827
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We would like our readers to know that the information in this story may be sourced from secondary sources and may therefore contain inaccuracies. We will correct them if and when they are brought to our attention or we discover them through our editing process. If you have any concerns about this post, please contact us immediately and we will rectify issues. DISCLAIMER: The material contained in this post is for general informational purposes. It is not intended to constitute or express legal or medical advice. Any laws referenced herein are substantially based on general legal principles and may not be applicable to your particular situation. Laws can often be different from one jurisdiction to the next. The Legal Herald is not a law firm. Law firms and lawyers from around the country may apply to become a sponsor or contributor to The Legal Herald.
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