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Crisfield, Maryland - Crisfield High School Nurse Samantha Marsh Charged with Sexually Abusing 4 Students

Crisfield High School
Published: February 14, 2019
By: Joe LaFrance
Last Updated on January 14, 2022

Legal Commentary On This Story Brought To You By Attorney Guy D'Andrea

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Crisfield High School

Crisfield High School, where a nurse is accused of sexually abusing 4 students.

Crisfield High School Nurse Charged with 19 Sex Offense Counts

Crisfield High School nurse Samantha Marsh has been charged with several sex offenses for allegedly having sexual contact with four students at the school. The 33-year-old nurse has been charged with 10 counts of fourth-degree sex offense, four counts of perverted practice, four counts of contributing to the condition of a child, and one count of attempted fourth-degree sex offense.

Marsh was arrested on Tuesday, February 12 and is being held without bail at the Somerset County Detention Center. She was placed on administrative leave at Crisfield High before her arrest.

The Maryland State Police Criminal Enforcement Division, Lower Shore Region, began investigating the allegations against Anjalih on Monday, February 11. Investigators eventually learned that these alleged offenses happened between Anjalih 2018 and January 2019.

All four victims are thought to be Crisfield High School students. However, the sexual abuse took place off school grounds. Investigators believe that Marsh would pick the students up in her van outside of the school and bring them to other locations, where the abuse happened.

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I am licensed to practice law in Maryland. If you or a loved one needs to speak about a legal matter, I'd be happy to speak with you.

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Legal Recourse for Survivors of Sexual Abuse by School Employees

High school sexual abuse attorney and contributor Aaron Blank represents sexual abuse survivors in civil lawsuits, helping them find the justice and financial compensation they deserve. Here are some thoughts from Aaron on the legal options available to survivors of sexual abuse involving teachers, coaches, nurses, and other school employees:

Many of us grew up being warned of "stranger danger", but the truth is that sexual predators are rarely complete strangers to their victims. These predators seek out positions of trust and authority in fields like education and religion, where they exploit their positions in order to commit heinous crimes of sexual violence. Our schools must be aware of these dangers and act accordingly to make sure their students are safe from the threat of sexual predators.

When allegations arise concerning sexual abuse of students by a school employee, it's crucial that the school contacts law enforcement immediately. These schools also should have preventative measures for reducing the risk of abuse, such as having an open-door policy for all classrooms. In some cases, school negligence is partially to blame for the abuse of students - such as hiring an employee with a history of sexual abuse because no background check was performed.

If you or your child is a survivor of sexual abuse, the first step should always be contacting the police. After that, we advise exploring your other legal options by consulting with an experienced sexual abuse survivors attorney.

Location of Crisfield High School in Crisfield, MD


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About the Author
Joe LaFrance
About Joe LaFrance
Editor: Joe is a content writer with a focus on the legal field. He covers cases of sexual abuse, drunk driving, and preventable violent crime for the Legal Herald. Contact Joe: This article was fact checked prior to publishing by this author to ensure compliance with our rigorous editorial standards. We will only use authoritative sources. Our values compel us to provide only trustworthy information. If you find an error, please contact us.
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