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Butler, PA - Bill Halle, a Butler School Board Member, Charged With Sexual Assault at His Net Outreach Center Cafe

Butler, PA - Bill Halle, a Butler School Board Member, Charged With Sexual Assault at His Net Outreach Center Cafe
Published: June 1, 2023
By: Darla Medina
Last Updated on June 1, 2023

PA School Board Member Charged with Sexual Assault of Teenage Girl

Bill Halle, a former member of the Butler School Board, is facing charges of sexual assault in connection with an alleged relationship he had with a teenage girl according to WPXI. The charges against Halle, consisting of four felonies, were filed following an investigation into the matter. According to court documents, the alleged victim, a 17-year-old girl, was an employee at an outreach center in Butler where Halle also worked, located at 100 Center Ave, Butler, PA 16001.

The incident came to light on April 27, 2023, when local authorities received a call from a concerned citizen regarding Halle's suspicious behavior with the teenager near her home. One of the neighbors, who preferred to remain anonymous, witnessed Halle and the girl sitting together on a street curb, engaging in what appeared to be an intimate interaction. The neighbor's daughter, who knew the girl from school, noticed the unusual nature of their relationship and alerted her mother.

Describing the scene, the concerned neighbor said, "My daughter knows her from school and said, 'Mom, that is not her father she’s sitting with out there.' They were sitting very close to each other. They were touching each other’s arms, giggling, laughing, just talking. Kind of too close for comfort."

Following the report, a criminal complaint was filed stating that Halle sexually assaulted the teenage girl at the Net Outreach Center, located in downtown Butler. The victim worked at Halle's cafe within the youth center, which also served as the headquarters for his nonprofit organization.

According to the affidavit, the girl admitted to engaging in sexual activities with Halle, providing further evidence to support the charges against him. In light of the allegations, Halle resigned from his position on the school board shortly after they surfaced.

The Butler County District Attorney's Office has confirmed that Halle intends to surrender to the authorities sometime this week. The exact timeline for his surrender has not been disclosed.

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Can I Sue If A School Board Member Sexually Assaulted My Child?

Attorney contributor Guy D'Andrea helps victims by filing school sex abuse lawsuits in the state of Pennsylvania. Brian helps victims and their parents get the justice they rightfully deserve through civil lawsuits. Recently he shared when parents could sue if a school board member sexually abused their child.

"As an experienced sexual assault lawyer, I have witnessed the devastating impact that sexual assault can have on victims, especially when the perpetrator is an authority figure such as a school board member. These cases raise significant concerns not only about the safety of our children but also about the legal rights of victims who have been groomed and sexually assaulted by individuals in positions of trust.

School boards have a fundamental duty to protect the well-being of children under their care and the care of their board members. This includes establishing and implementing policies and procedures that create a safe environment for learning and growth. It is important for school boards to thoroughly vet all potential employees, including school board members, to ensure they do not have a history of sexual misconduct or other predatory behavior. Background checks should be comprehensive and should extend beyond criminal records to include past employment references and any previous allegations or complaints.

When allegations of sexual misconduct by a school board member arise, it is essential for the school board to act swiftly, impartially, and in accordance with established policies. Failure to take appropriate action not only exposes children to potential harm but also subjects the school board to legal liability.

Victims who have been groomed and sexually assaulted by a trusted school board member often face unique legal challenges. These cases involve a betrayal of trust that can have profound and long-lasting effects on the victims' physical, emotional, and psychological well-being. Victims and their families can learn more by speaking with an experienced sexual assault attorney."



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Darla Medina
About Darla Medina
Editor: Darla is a content writer with a focus on the legal field. She covers cases of sexual abuse, drunk driving, and preventable violent crime for the Legal Herald. Contact Darla: This article was fact checked prior to publishing by this author to ensure compliance with our rigorous editorial standards. We will only use authoritative sources. Our values compel us to provide only trustworthy information. If you find an error, please contact us.
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