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Woodbridge, New Jersey - Three Workers Injured, One Killed In Construction Electrocution Accident

Three Workers Injured, One Killed In Construction Electrocution Accident Woodbridge NJ
Published: October 12, 2019
By: Paul
Last Updated on November 20, 2020

Workers Were Putting Up Scaffolding On Quincy Court Project Site

The accident took place in the early hours of Friday, October 11th, around 8 AM. Members of a crew of workers were setting up a scaffolding structure on the Middlesex County work site when a metal tube came into contact with a power line.

A worker standing on the roof of the building was unharmed. Unfortunately, the two workers on the ground remained in contact with the metal and were electrocuted. A third worker was also reported to have suffered injuries.

Woodbridge Police and EMS units were at the scene soon after the incident, at which point they took up life-preservation methods. Two of the victims were then transported to Robert Wood University Medical, where one of them would be pronounced dead. A third worker was taken to Perth Amboy Medical with burns which are non-life-threatening.

OSHA is investigating, as are local authorities.

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Guy D'Andrea, and experienced construction accident attorney, offered the following information for victims of electrocution injuries while working on construction sites:

“While it is true that electrocution accidents are not as common on construction projects as one might think, they still leave those who suffer them with devastating injuries. In fact, it has been reported that 400 workers die each year from injuries resulting from electrocution. You can imagine all the others who are nonetheless injured when they’re lucky enough to survive.

OSHA, the Occupational Safety & Health Administration of the United States, is the supervising body that investigates all workplace accidents, including those that occur on work sites. They have categorized electrocution injuries into the following groups:

  • Electric shock
  • Burns
  • Falls resulting from shocks
  • Fatal electric discharge

The majority of construction site electrocutions can be considered electric shocks. These occur when workers inadvertently make contact with “live” wires or conductive metals that are in contact with them. A powerful electric current flows into the victim, resulting in often-lethal injuries.

Construction workers with electrocution injuries are able to file worker’s compensation claims after their accidents. These can cover medical bills and other expenses resulting directly from the incident. Yet in some cases, lawsuits are also a possibility. Both methods, especially when pursued at the same time, can help achieve full compensation for victims and loved ones.

Those who may want to pursue legal avenues after a construction injury should consult their situation with an experienced attorney.”


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Editor: Paul is a staff editor who focuses on bringing you the most important legal news regarding cases of sexual assault, drunk driving, and preventable violence. Contact Paul: This article was fact checked prior to publishing by this author to ensure compliance with our rigorous editorial standards. We will only use authoritative sources. Our values compel us to provide only trustworthy information. If you find an error, please contact us.
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