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Washington, DC - Police Officer Pearce Then Accused of Sexually Assaulting Fellow Officer During Spa Treatment

Roche's Microblading and Spa
Published: June 19, 2019
By: Joe LaFrance
Last Updated on November 25, 2020

Sexual Assault Reported at Roche’s Microblading & Spa

A DC Police officer who worked at his wife’s spa has been accused of sexually assaulting a fellow officer during a cellulite treatment. Pearce Then allegedly sexually assaulted the female officer at Roche’s Microblading & Spa in Northwest Washington, DC.

The woman told investigators that Then had penetrated her without permission and against her will. According to court records, Then admitted to the allegations but claimed the penetration was an accident.

Officer Then was arrested on Thursday, June 13 and charged with first-degree sexual abuse of a client. Investigators say that the alleged assault happened at around 7:25 p.m. on June 10.

Roche’s Microblading & Spa is located in the Woodner apartment building at 3636 16th Street NW.

Then’s police powers have been revoked and he is on administrative leave pending the outcome of this investigation.

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Legal Options For Victims of Sexual Assault in Spas

Attorney contributor Laurence Banville helps survivors of sexual abuse get justice by taking legal action against their abusers and negligent third parties. Here is Laurence with some general info regarding the legal options available to those who have been sexually assaulted in spas:

Businesses like spas and massage studios have a crucial legal duty to make sure their clients are safe from sexual predators. Because of the intimate nature of these services, there is a high potential for abuse if untrustworthy people are permitted to work with clients.

There are a few concerns that should be addressed after a sexual assault is reported at a spa. First, the perpetrator should be investigated, arrested, and prosecuted by law enforcement. Additionally, it’s important to make sure the victim gets the support they need. Finally, the facility should be investigated to determine if the abuse was related to negligence by the business.

For instance, a spa owner could be considered negligent for an assault by an employee if the owner failed to run a background check that would have revealed prior sexual misconduct by that employee.

If you’ve been sexually assaulted during an appointment at a spa, massage studio, or another business, you can learn more about your legal rights by discussing your case with an experienced lawyer for sexual assault at spas.


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About the Author
Joe LaFrance
About Joe LaFrance
Editor: Joe is a content writer with a focus on the legal field. He covers cases of sexual abuse, drunk driving, and preventable violent crime for the Legal Herald. Contact Joe: This article was fact checked prior to publishing by this author to ensure compliance with our rigorous editorial standards. We will only use authoritative sources. Our values compel us to provide only trustworthy information. If you find an error, please contact us.
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