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Houston, TX - Crowd Surge at Astroworld Killed 8 at Festival

nrg stadium where astroworld festival happened
Published: November 7, 2021
By: Paul
Last Updated on November 8, 2021

Festival Led to 8 Deaths and Hundreds Injured in Houston

According to CNN at least 8 people have died following a crowd surge during the Astrowrold Festival in Houston on Friday, November 5, 2021. The event happened at NRG Park located at NRG Parkway, Houston, TX 77054.

Approximately 50,000 people were in attendance at the sold-out festival. When Travis Scott started his set, the crowd started to compress towards the stage; beginning just after 9pm CT, according to officials and sources. From the CNN reports, even before the set began, people were already being pushed closer together. The Houston Fire Chief, Sam Peña, said that "people began to fall out, become unconscious," during a news conference after the incident.

More than 300 people were treated a a field hospital that was set up near the festival. From that, at least 25 people were taken to a local hospital, where 5 were under 18 years old, announced by the Houston  Mayor, Sylvester Turner.

According to Peña, the cause of the deadly surge is not yet clear. The cause of death for the 8 victims who passed away is yet to be determined by a medical examiner.

CNN also announced that there was a crowd rush just hours earlier rushing through a VIP entrance where security staff were ignored, and metal detectors and other people were pushed over. In 2019, three people were trampled and subsequently hospitalized as event goers were trying to get into the same festival a few years prior, according to CNN.

Anjali Nigam
Hello, I’m attorney Anjali Nigam. If you or a loved one is a survivor of a similar accident, I’d be happy to discuss your legal options. Call for a free consultation, it would be my honor to help you.
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Legal Rights For Victims of Catastrophic Injuries

Attorney Anjali Nigam has experience representing victims of catastrophic injuries in the state of Texas. Anjali has talked with Legal Herald about some of the legal rights available to victims and families after suffering such an event or wondering if you can sue after being hurt at an event.

"Catastrophic events, such as a crowd issue at a concert or sporting event, can lead to major injuries and sometimes even death. Families of victims who have passed away may be left wondering why this happened, while victims who suffered injuries may be left wondering how they will be able to afford medical bills."

"By attending a busy event, you expect that event staff and security guards have training in identifying potentially dangerous situations. This also leads into having well established security at the entrance of events. The event should also ensure proper security barriers are set up as part of crowd management. Proper medical services should also be adequate for the number of attendees at an event."

"Serious injuries can be caused in large groups, where people may not be able to see what is happening around them, or hear direction by security. In catastrophic events that lead to major injuries or death, determining who may be at fault is just the first step in finding justice for victims. It is essential to speak directly with an experienced attorney to explore the legal options that may be available. Compensation may be available for victims and their families."



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Editor: Paul is a staff editor who focuses on bringing you the most important legal news regarding cases of sexual assault, drunk driving, and preventable violence. Contact Paul: This article was fact checked prior to publishing by this author to ensure compliance with our rigorous editorial standards. We will only use authoritative sources. Our values compel us to provide only trustworthy information. If you find an error, please contact us.
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