Last Update: 7/13/2020
A three-vehicle crash on the morning of Friday, October 4th was the result of a flatbed truck running a red light at the intersection of Rte. 34B and Rte. 38 in Groton, New York.
Groton Police and Fire, along with units from Freeville and Dryden, responded to the incident around 11:30AM. Upon arrival, they encountered a rolled-over Jeep that had caught fire, along with another Hyundai which had also been damaged by the truck.
The passengers of both vehicles suffered injuries, though they were not life-threatening. Traffic was reopened at 1PM, about 1.5 hours after the accident occurred.
A contributor to this publication, Attorney Laurence Banville offered the following information regarding the options available to the victims of truck accidents:
“The victims of flatbed accidents often believe that the single way of having damages covered after an incident is through an insurance claim. However, there are some concerns about this.
For example, every insurance policy has a limited amount of money that it will pay out. Once this threshold is reached, victims who were receiving benefits under that policy are left to cover the related expenses themselves. Moreover, an insurance company will rarely offer to pay for all the financial damage that was caused; they’re even less likely to provide compensation for emotional and physical trauma suffered by accident victims.
Filing a lawsuit is not the first avenue that truck accident victims think of pursuing, yet it may be the only opportunity they have to recover a complete compensation that takes into account past and future (potential) losses.
The first step when considering filing a car accident lawsuit is to search for and select an attorney. Not all lawyers practice the same kind of law, and if they aren’t familiar with specific types of cases, this can result in a significant loss for the victim. One should always inquire with potential law firms about what cases they handle, what results they’ve produced in the past, and maybe even for the possibility to consult a past client.
Statutes of limitation apply to all automobile accidents, which is why it’s critical for victims of all accidents to seek legal consultation as quickly as possible.”