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Gaithersburg, Maryland - Renaissance Art Center Teacher Gene Pasay Charged with Sexually Abusing 2 Young Students

Renaissance Art Center
Published: July 22, 2019
By: Paul
Last Updated on November 25, 2020

Gaithersburg Art Instructor Charged with Sexual Abuse of Minors

An instructor at the Renaissance Art Center in Gaithersburg has been charged with sexually abusing two young boys who were students in one of his classes. 30-year-old Gene Alphonse Brugada Pasay of Silver Spring was arrested on July 15 and charged with two counts of sexual abuse of a minor.

According to Montgomery County police, Pasay allegedly abused a 10-year-old and 11-year-old boy at the Renaissance Art Center, located at 9250 Gaither Road in Gaithersburg.

Police began investigating the allegations on June 4 after receiving a tip concerning possible sexual abuse involving Pasay. Investigators spoke to the two boys, who told them that the abuse occurred between September 2018 and Anjalih 2019 during art classes at the business.

According to the police, the abuse included sexual gestures, discussion of graphic sexual nature, and showing the boys sexual videos and photographs.

Pasay was brought into police custody last week and is being held without bond.

Any other victims or potential victims have been asked to call the Special Victims Investigations Division at 240-773-5440.

Aaron Blank - Maryland Injury Lawyer
Hi, I’m lawyer Aaron Blank. I am licensed to practice law in Maryland. If you or a loved one needs to speak about a legal matter, I’d be happy to speak with you. Call the number below. It would be my honor to help you. Consultations are free.
(888) 997-3792

Justice For Victims of Sexual Abuse by Teachers & Instructors

Hi, I’m attorney Aaron Blank our team represents victims of sexual abuse in civil cases. Our attorneys have worked on many cases involving abusers who were trusted employees of businesses like arts, music, and dance studios. Here are some thoughts on the legal options available to victims of sexual abuse by art teachers or other employees of these types of businesses:

Businesses, organizations, and institutions where adults are working with children must take the safety of these children extremely seriously. Sadly, sexual predators often seek out positions in these fields, where they exploit the trust of their communities in order to commit terrible crimes.

When a child is sexually abused by an instructor at a business like an art center, it’s important to determine if the business owner did everything they could to protect their students from sexual predators. In some cases, the business owner may be considered liable for failing to prevent the abuse through negligence, such as failing to subject job applicants to background checks.

In cases involving business owner negligence, the victims and their families may have grounds for a lawsuit.

If you or your child is a survivor of sexual abuse by an instructor or teacher, you can learn more about your legal options by speaking with an experienced sexual abuse survivors lawyer in a free consultation.


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About Paul
Editor: Paul is a staff editor who focuses on bringing you the most important legal news regarding cases of sexual assault, drunk driving, and preventable violence. Contact Paul: This article was fact checked prior to publishing by this author to ensure compliance with our rigorous editorial standards. We will only use authoritative sources. Our values compel us to provide only trustworthy information. If you find an error, please contact us.
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