According to The Gainesville Sun, a chiropractor has been accused of sexually assaulting a patient at Johnston Chiropractic Health Center located at 1405 NW 13th St, Gainesville, FL 32601.
On October 4, 2021, the Gainesville Police Department charged John Joseph Johnston with sexually assaulting a patient in his care. Johnston, the owner of the center, has been accused of performing exercises that not only seemed intimate but included inappropriate touching. The victim alleges that on January 12, while being treated for a hip issue, Johnston had her go into a private room and was instructed to put on clinical boxers. During the procedure, the victim stated that Johnston rubbed and pressed her genitals.
The Gainesville Sun also reported that an earlier complaint was filed in July and that the practice was limited to only male patients.
Attorney Michael Haggard, an experienced licensed lawyer in Florida, represented victims of sexual abuse. Below Michael provided commentary on the legal rights of victims sexually abused by a chiropractor.
“We trust our doctors and expect our medical professionals to carry themselves professionally. Additionally, medical facilities are obligated to offer medical procedures in a safe environment. Unfortunately, some doctors abuse their positions of power and trust, taking advantage of their patients. However, the justice system ensures these medical professionals are held accountable for their acts.”
“Sexual misconduct by medical professionals is often the result of negligence. The professional’s employer may be considered negligent if they fail to prevent sexual abuse from taking place. This could include previous misconduct complaints filed against a medical professional that were ignored, allowing the abuse to continue. In these negligence cases, victims could have grounds to file a lawsuit and even receive compensation for their abuse.”