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Citrus Heights, CA - Shooting at Rocky’s 7440 Club Leaves Four Hospitalized

rocky’s 7440 club shooting in citrus heights hospitalizes 4 people
Published: May 14, 2021
By: Alyssa Alvarez
Last Updated on May 14, 2021

4 Hospitalized in Citrus Heights Shooting at Rocky’s 7440 Club  

According to ABC 10, a shooting occurred on May 8th at Rocky’s 7440 Club, located near the 7400 block of Auburn Boulevard.

Citrus Heights police have arrested 39-year-old Camila Saenz in conjunction with the shooting.

Amidst the investigation, officers discovered that two separate shootings occurred at the bar as they are still looking for the other shooter. The original shooting took place at 1:25 a.m., and the second happened in retaliation moments later.

Four people were wounded at the scene and transported to a hospital. All victims are expected to make full recoveries.

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Legal Options of Victims Shot at a Bar

Have you or someone you know been involved in a bar or club shooting? Attorney contributor, Jason Amala, has experience working on civil lawsuits surrounding victims of shootings on private property. Below, we asked Bobby to elaborate on his knowledge and insight on the legal options of victims shot outside of a bar:

"The owners of commercial property are legally obligated to assure that patrons and employees are safe and protected at all times when entering their premises. In order to have tactics in place to prevent danger and keep individuals' well-being first and foremost, owners must rely upon video surveillance, metal detectors, and experienced security guards. Violent crimes can often occur when adequate security measures are not prepared and in place on specific properties. In such situations, victims and their loved ones may have grounds for a lawsuit against club and bar owners who can be acknowledged as negligent when disregarding the need for reliable security measures within their businesses."

"The services of an experienced violent crimes attorney are needed in such cases and will allow victims to learn and explore all of their legal options. From the attorney's perspective, they must prove that there was inadequate security and negligence as well as prove that the violent crime that occurred on the commercial property was reasonably foreseeable. When a property owner is aware of violence and overall crime rates rising in their area and does nothing to alter security measures, crimes that occur on the property are reasonably foreseeable. These types of crimes are situations where the property owner can be considered liable for the incident that occurred. For the victim or victim's family to attain grounds for a civil lawsuit against the business owner, security must be lacking, and a reasonably foreseeable crime needed to have happened."


ABC 10

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Alyssa Alvarez
About Alyssa Alvarez
My name is Alyssa Alvarez, and I am a senior at NYU majoring in Public Health and Sociology with a minor in Genetics. I am interested in healthcare research, sports media and social injustices.
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